A strong tradition in Lac Brochet is the Holy Week Walk. This year a group of 25 persons went out hundreds of kilometers into the forest on Monday of Easter week to walk back to the community, praying for special intentions and offering their effort as a sacrifice to the Lord. They camped out in the forest each night with the help of a small group of community members. Thursday night they camped about 25 kilometers away and arrived just in time for the Good Friday Service. Unfortunately this means that they miss the Holy Thursday liturgies. We are trying to find a way to help them come back in for that event, as the Triduum is really one great liturgy, one event of the last days of Jesus life here on earth flowing into the next.
The walkers arrive with great solemnity and silence, placing their walking sticks at the foot of the altar. The cross they carry all the way is the one that we use for the veneration of the cross.