Sunday, October 17, 2010

Confirmation at Nelson House Oct 16-17, 2010

The hall in the sister's house was packed after the ceremony, as everyone enjoyed the hospitality provided by Sr. Susan and Sr. Ellen.

All but one of the candidates took in a retreat given by + Sylvain Lavoie and Sr. Susan Gardiner, with support from Sr. Ellen and Agnes Linklater, in preparation for the confirmation itself. The retreat used power point projection to focus on self esteem, who is Jesus, forgiveness, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Sr. Susan had prepared gift bags with momentos of each of the gifts that the participants received. The teachings were followed by singing and energizers that everyone enjoyed. The pariticipants all had the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation with Bishop Sylvain, as well as write a letter to the bishop. One young lady who accompanied her friends enjoyed the retreat so much that she decided to prepare for her first communion. and that is how the Catholic Christian faith community is growing in Nelson House.

The group of 12 newlyh confirmed apostles is pictured here. They all took a new confirmation name to emphasize the newness of life in Christ that they have been given by this sacrament.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Problems blogging

For some time now, the computer would allow only one picture to be posted for a blog. The problem is being worked on and may be resolved. Thank you for your patience. + Sylvain

Youth Development Workshop Patuanak Sk Oct 10-11, 2010

The team members for the workshop are pictured here, as well as Fr. John Zunti OMI, the new pastor who was installed the same weekend, and Sr. Bernadine Fetter OSU who is exploring ministry in our archdiocese. Darlene George, the Health Worker who organizd the conference, is on the far right.

Most of the participants who participated in the workshop are pictured here at the awards banquet. Two older youth who also shared their stories were from Beauval. The workshop was organized by Darlene George with a team of elders, chaperones, go-fer and cooks. Archbishop Sylvain Lavoie OMI presented sessions on Self Esteem, Addictions Awareness, the 12 Step Program and Human Sexuality as the resource person.