Friday, May 21, 2010

Flin Flon confirmation, May 13, 2010

The newly initiated young people of the parish of St. Anne's in Flin Flon are pictured here with their pastor Fr. Calixtus Fernando; Marilyn Jackson, Family Life coordinator, Archbishop Sylvain and Lucille Rossington, Religious Education Coordinator.

The confirmation celebration was preceded the evening before by a preparatory retreat facilitated by Archbishop Sylvain OMI. The themes were being fully human, self esteem, Who is Jesus and the names of the Holy Spirit, as well as run-through of the ritual itself. Pictured here are about half of the participants.

Lucille Rossington, the Religious Education Coordinator, and Fr. Calixtus Fernando, the pastor, oversaw the preparation of the candidates and the celebration itself.

Mark and Crystal Kolt along with many others made a special effort on a week night to provide music ministry for the celebration. Here Mark provides meditative music before the celebration with the violin while pedaling the organ with his feet.

Young Master Kolt did a magnificent job of serving and here poses with the archbishop.

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