Sunday, May 23, 2010

Kater Hall Renovation Visit Sandy Bay May 14, 2010

On the way to celebrate the sacraments of initiation in La Loche, I went to Sandy Bay to pick up Fr. Gaspar Savarimuthu, a priest from India who will be ministering in our archdiocese. Fr. Susai Jesu OMI, pastor of Sandy Bay and Pelican Narrows, took advantage of that occasion to organize a meeting of all the teams that he has put in place to carry out the renovations of Kateri Hall. Vaiouus teams are finding creative ways to raise funds for the project. Here the catering team provided meals for the youth conference put on by the community at the school. They are now gearing up to cater for several weddings over the summer.

Here Fr. Susai, Archbishop Sylvain, Mr and Mrs Ernie Rae and Fr. Gaspar Savarimuthu enjoy a meal at the youth conference cooked by the catering team.

Work on the kitchen part of Kateri Hall has progressed to where it is almost ready for the concrete to be poured with the rebar in place.

The newly painted hall with new trim around the pillars and baseboard is very warm and inviting.

Fr. Susai, Ernie Rae and Archbishop Sylvain look over the work that has been done on the kitchen part of Kateri Hall.

Here Fr. Susai leads the group in prayer and then provides an update and some background for everyone on the project.

Ina Rae has accepted a leadership role in the project and here is providing the gathering with an upddate.

The whole group gathers for a picture with Fr. Susai OMI. The cake has an inscription from one of the elders: Where there is a will there is a way; way to go Sandy Bay.

A group of wise elders who attended the gathering, showed great interest in the project and added their advice.

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